Thursday, March 6, 2008

"God definitely has a sense of humor!"

Well, we made it through the first 24hrs with no injuries (it's a miracle) and today was definitely challenging. I'll start today's blog with a little explaination first. We are all staying at a Christian retreat center in Curitiba, Brazil. Every house and business is set up like a little prison compound with walls and iron bars around each property because of the crime in the area. So our movement outside of the center is limited. The place we are staying is very clean and the people are very nice. There are a few things that I would like to point out though... it's very hot during the day which isn't bad except for the fact that there isn't ANY air conditioning here! That's right none! If you know me at all you know I can't stand being hot. Also there are no screens on any of the windows so that means any and all bugs in the area are welcome here. I haven't taken a hot shower yet because the water is cold because they don't have hot water heaters here either. Now, that was to just give you a little background on our environment. Today we were challenged just trying to keep the kids occupied. This wasn't bad except that Robert (2yrs old) and Gabriel (3yrs old) had former lives as "escape artists!" Everytime I turned around they were gone! Oh, did I mention they only speak Portuguese? We were constantly running and refereeing all of the little ones the entire day. At one point today I asked Mary Jane, "what in the world was God thinking when he called us to this?" But then we would see little things that would encourage us. Like how much these kids crave and give affection... or like tonight seeing Matthew and Marlon laughing histerically together even though thier communication is limited (they are best buds already)... or me getting beat by Diogo (our 5 year old) in a memory game where you try to match cards together. Then having him laugh at me and say something in Portuguese ( I think he was talking trash and taunting me? Like father, like son already.) Even though today was a struggle we know that it will only get easier. Especially when we get back home to our own environment. The highlight of the day is when all the boys, even me, shaved our heads. I will post a pic of it tomorrow. These kids are so cute and we are truly blessed dispite all of the challenges. We miss everybody. Please continue to pray. We love you!

Luv Ya,

The Dunn 10


juicer said...

WOW! you guys! (that's "Michigan-speak" for "y'all"!!_....How great to get such a first-hand account of your adventure in paradise! I can hardly wait to read what's gonna happen tomorrow...AND to see those pics of the skinheads!!! hee.hee!! :)

We were talkin' about you at our small group tonight. Were your ears burning? They are astounded, as are we, with your courage and obedience to what God has called you to do!

Tell Grandpa Howie to get!!!

Love, Joyce & LLoyd

johnnybblessed said...

hey man, just sitting here in the air conditioning thinking about you. You Love it! And I cant wait to see the pic or the haircuts. Give the babies are love. We miss you guys so much!